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Planting project - OroVerde

Here it goes directly to OroVerde:

Trees mean the future, trees mean life - because every single tree absorbs several tons of carbon dioxide in the course of its life and thus plays an important role in global climate protection. With their canopy and roots, they prevent erosion and are also an important reservoir of water. At the same time, the tropical rainforests are an important habitat: 2/3 of all animal and plant species worldwide can be found here. Cleared areas are reforested with native trees so that the forest can recover as an important water reservoir, climate regulator and habitat for numerous species.

Plant4Planet supports the reforestation programs of OroVerde, e.g. in Guatemala, Mexico or the Dominican Republic. With your purchase, OroVerde can finance the seedling. The project also includes the establishment and operation of tree nurseries, the acquisition of tree saplings and of course the planting activities and also the care of the young trees (this is made possible by other donations).

Working hand in hand with the local people is particularly important for the success of reforestation: after all, around a quarter of the people living on earth are directly or indirectly dependent on the forest. In the tropics, poverty is a driving factor in deforestation. As part of the reforestation programs, people recognize and experience the value of their forest as a livelihood. Through the forest-friendly cultivation of coffee, cocoa and fruit trees in so-called Agroforestry systems creates OroVerde sustainable and forest-friendly sources of income and helps people with food security. The saplings also grow in the tree nurseries and are planted in species-rich mixed cultures with native rainforest trees. This creates a “forest garden” on the edge of the old rainforest, which protects it and at the same time becomes a habitat for numerous animals and plants.

  © OroVerde / T.Klimpel

The communities take part in the planting campaigns and take care of the young trees in the tree nurseries and on the planting areas. Because until the seedlings themselves are big enough, they have to be checked regularly for the first two years and cut free of overgrown grass. That means regular excursions to the agroforestry plots and the reforestation areas in mountain regions that are often difficult to access, mostly on foot. This is how OroVerde ensures that the seedlings that could be financed with your purchase also grow into strong trees "

Background information about OroVerde:

OroVerde - Translated from Spanish, it means "green gold". The tropical rainforests are meant. They extend as a green, living ribbon along the equator. For over 30 years OroVerde for the protection of this special treasure: OroVerde develops, finances and tests innovative tropical forest protection projects in Asia, Central and South America. OroVerde combines tropical forest protection with development aid, which is exactly what makes their work so successful. Because poverty is one of the most important drivers of forest destruction. Forest together with the local people OroVerde Raising the rainforest, establishing protected areas and developing alternative sources of income that are gentle on the forest. Also in Europe is OroVerde active: Environmental education in schools and consumer information raise awareness of the connections between consumption and the rainforest. OroVerde handles your donations responsibly: As one of the first environmental organizations in Germany to contribute OroVerde since 2015 the DZI donation seal.

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