Management: 0€ (waiver)
Salary level 1 (management & organization): 15€ / h
Salary level 0 (handicrafts such as production & shipping): 13€ / h
Gender Representation
50% m | 50% w
Number of employees
3x mini job
1x full time
- Ab 01.12.2020: Products are manufactured in Jena, Germany.
- earlier products, was sustainably and responsibly sourced from China. (stock is sold out >> no new orders)
January to August: Tree protection in Germany: 3.300 m2
August to December inclusive: Trees in Kenya and Madagascar: 2,550 seedlings
Baum Sponsoring OroVerde
Quarter 4: 10,132 seedlings
Quarter 3: 12,727 seedlings
Quarter 2: 7,562 seedlings
Quarter 1: 8,945 seedlings
Sponsorship Submission up to incl. October: click me
Confirmation from Oro Verde: click me
Proof of donation up to incl. May: click me
December 2018
-Annual report: https://goo.gl/Yx82Ed
-Proof of donations: https://goo.gl/4M6RRg
November :
- Annual Report 2018 - https://goo.gl/opYVUx
-Proof of donations: see December